If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to make some extra cash, then breeding animals is the perfect hobby for you. It’s not only enjoyable but also quite profitable. There are many different ways that you can breed animals in order to make money, including selling the animal itself or its offspring. This blog post will outline eight of the most profitable, easy, and small animals to breed for money!
Table of Contents
Quails are some of the easiest birds to breed in order to make money. Quails are also very cheap, with you being able to buy six female quails for £7-£8 or one male for less than £3. All that is required in addition is a suitable-sized cardboard box and an upturned water bottle which acts as their nesting box.
Quail chicks are ready to be sold at around four weeks old when they will begin laying eggs themselves. You can sell each of these tiny eggs for around 40p each! When you have ten hens, it isn’t uncommon to be selling over 300 quail eggs per month! At the end of the day, you’re looking at making approximately40 profit after all costs have been paid. Not bad for a relatively small initial investment!
Another animal that is relatively easy to breed and can make you around £200 per week is cattle. Cattle rearing provides extra income to farmers who already have large herds of cattle, and it enables ‘amateur’ owners to become successful in just a few months by rearing calves from birth until they’re ready for market at around five months old. Before you begin the process of buying your first cow, consider these three things:
- The cost of buying a cow may vary depending on where you buy it from but expect to pay anything between £500-£1,000
- You will also need somewhere suitable to keep your cow which includes a secure field, shelter, and ideally easy access to water.
- You must also be willing to invest lots of time in training your cow to lead it around the field by holding both halter handles before you can sell it at the market. This process should take anywhere between 2-3 months, but this is something that owners are able to do themselves or pay someone else to do for them for roughly £35 per hour. Once you have taken all these factors into account, begin looking for an animal that suits your budget!
In the current economic climate, every penny counts, and people are looking for ways to cut back on their household expenditure. One idea is to start breeding fish as a hobby. Fishkeeping isn’t only interesting, but it’s also fun and can be profitable! In order to breed fish, you will need a mating tank which costs around £10-£15 from any aquatic shop. Set up your tank according to what kind of fish you’re going to breed – if it’s tetras, then a dark substrate will do, whereas a light blue or white one works well with Guppies. You should also realize that after spending £20 on your first male and female, you should expect about 100 babies at the end of every month, meaning that this initial investment should be paid off within six months.
Once you’ve got the hang of this, breed different types of fish in one tank to increase your profit margin.
A great option for those with a bit more space is rabbits. Rabbits are relatively easy to look after, and they can produce huge profits if looked after properly. A good breeding pair will cost you around £20-£30 but might pay for itself in as little as two or three months! You can also sell each rabbit for between £8-£10, which means that you’ll make your initial investment back very quickly indeed. In addition to this, female rabbits (does) should always have at least one litter every month that once your initial stock has ‘paid for itself,’ you can sell the babies for between £5-£10 each.
As well as this, rabbits are easy to look after, and once they’ve been bred, they don’t need much attention meaning that you can enjoy your new hobby while making money at the same time!
For those of you looking for pets to breed but also something relatively cheap, gerbils may be an option for you. Gerbils are social animals, so it is best if there are at least three in every cage. They too make great profits; one male and two females should produce up to 200 babies per year, which means that their initial investment (which should include a home) will pay off within four months. If you want to make more money, you can sell each baby for around £2-£3, which will quickly add up. In addition to this, once the babies have been sold, and their parents are retired, you can breed new gerbils from your initial stock for between £20-£25 each, which means that after only one year from buying your first three animals, they should all be paid off.
Golden Orfe
If you’re looking for a species of fish that’s a little bit different, then consider Golden Orfe, which looks beautiful in any tank! This species is relatively cheap to buy but spawns every week, meaning that you’ll soon recover the cost of your initial investment. You can expect at least 20 ” fish per spawning period, so after only a couple of months, your initial investment should be paid off. In addition to this, you can sell each fish for around £5-£10, which means that after six months or so from the initial purchase, you’ll make a huge profit!
So now you know where to buy your fish, how much they cost, and what to do with them once they’ve been bought. Whether it’s a few pairs of Angel Fish or a breeding pair of Rabbits that you want – there is money to be made. So start looking around for an animal that suits your budget and begin building up your stock today!
Alpacas are members of the camel family and make great pets, particularly if they are allowed to roam freely about your garden. Although alpacas don’t require a lot of attention, you will need a large area to look after them – anywhere between 2-5 acres will do nicely.
If you’ve got enough space for alpacas, then consider buying around three breeding pairs – this way, you’ll have more than enough money to support your new hobby! In addition to this, it is important that you keep all males separated from each other as fighting can sometimes occur during mating season.
Once you have bought your animals, all that’s left to say is good luck! Alpaca breeding can be very lucrative, but it does take time and effort to breed good quality animals. However, the more hard work you put into it – the more money you’re likely to make!
Shrimp is one of the least expensive animals to keep and can easily be sold on for nearly double what you paid for them. There are different breeds of shrimp, but all look beautiful in an aquarium and require very little attention once they’re settled in.
Simply buy around five adult shrimp, put them in a tank with plenty of food and cover it so that your new pets can’t escape. Then wait until the babies have grown big enough to sell before you start selling them at about £1-£2 each, which will pay off your initial investment within just four months!
For every breeding period after this, you’ll make between £100-£200, which means that once their original purchase price is paid off, they should generate profits every month.
In addition to this, once your shrimp have been sold, you can buy other breeds, which will generate a similar profit without the costs of feeding and paying for other animals. So if you’re looking for a cheap pet that’s easy to keep and doesn’t require too much attention, then consider buying some shrimp today!
Chameleons are another breed of animal that requires very little attention but will cost you a lot of money to purchase. A single pair of adults can be bought for £350+, which means that your initial investment will take around eight months to pay off if they’re breeding once per year.
However, although chameleons are expensive to buy initially, the profits generated from them are much greater than any other animals on this list! A single pair of adults can produce up to 150 offspring each year which sells for around £10-£20 depending on size and quality. This means that once their original purchase price is paid off, they should generate profits every month after that – sometimes as much as £150-£300!
So if you’re willing to put in a bit of extra effort and allow your chameleons to breed on a more regular basis, then they could be the perfect pets for you. Just be careful about where you site their cage, though, because although they are good climbers, chameleons aren’t very good at coming back down!
Although they’re not the most glamorous pets in the world, worms can be a fun way to generate some extra pocket money. To start with, choose between an earthworm and a worm for sale and buy around 20 of each – this should cost you no more than £5-£10.
After this, go back home and put them all into a small tank (preferably wooden) with plenty of compost at the bottom. Then put your new pets somewhere dark and humid (like under your bed or behind furniture) and wait patiently for around six weeks. This is how long it takes for the little guys to breed – after which they will begin producing worm casts which you can sell on! Although these aren’t very valuable themselves – they are very useful for flowerbeds or gardens. And sellers are normally willing to pay £5-£10 per bucket of worm casts which covers nearly half of your initial investment after one month!
The only downside to keeping worms is the smell, but if you’re fine with this and can put up with a little bit of extra work, then they could be the perfect pets for you!
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the most profitable exotic animal to breed?
On a per-$-spent basis, chameleons are the most profitable exotic animal to breed. On a total profit basis, shrimp come out on top.
How much does an amphibian cost?
A single frog can usually be bought for £15-£20; however, it should be borne in mind that this is still quite expensive compared to other small pets like fish or worms.
How often should I sell my pet’s offspring?
As often as you can – the more offspring you produce, the faster your initial investment will be paid off.
What is the most efficient way to sell my pet’s offspring?
Specialize in one type of pet and sell them all at once rather than selling lots of different breeds individually. This allows buyers to buy large amounts of pets all at once, which is much more efficient for both you and them. And remember that they are paying for convenience, so don’t overcharge!
What should I breed for profit?
Consider breeding an animal that is in your nation’s native range, infrequently captive-bred, and in demand. This will maximize your profits; however, note that some animals (like seahorses) are not widely available for purchase within many countries, and thus you would need to export them.
What is the best bird to breed for money?
The best bird to breed for profit is a parrot – they have a high price per click, are widely available, and can breed very quickly.
What livestock animal has the potential to make the most money?
Herbivores such as sheep, cows, and goats have been known to generate up to £1000 per month once fully grown. However, it’s worth noting that you’re likely to lose money in the first few months of owning them due to their expensive housing and food requirements (before they start producing milk/meat).
How much does a baby rabbit cost?
A single baby rabbit can usually be bought for between £5-£10; however, this doesn’t include any cage or equipment, which will be extra. This means that breeder rabbits can be expensive to get started with.
How do I breed my exotic pets?
The majority of exotic animals are bred in captivity by breeders. They normally require a male and female – which they keep together for several months until the female is pregnant. Then, she will give birth to anything between 5-20 babies each time!
Is the exotic pet trade illegal?
Unfortunately, many exotic pets are now illegal to own as a pet in many countries. It is usually against the law to breed from endangered species without a special license.
What should I keep my exotic pets in?
Your pets will need suitable housing which provides them with enough space and humidity for them to live happily. The majority of small exotics (like fish, mice, and rats) can be kept in tanks – however, some exotic pets require more specific accommodation, such as seahorses who need a very large tank to swim around in!