Can Goats Eat Watermelon? (A Veterinarian Guides)

Goats are mischievous little minions who love eating treats, but this doesn’t mean that you should start testing every human food on them. There are various food choices when it comes to giving treats for goats, and Watermelon is a wise choice to feed your goats while they are bleating and dancing around.

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Are Goats High Maintenance? (A Goat Farmer Weighs In)

Goats are not high maintenance, but there are some factors that you need to consider before you make an assumption about they are easy to keep or not. They are more like cats and can take care of themselves, even if they are set free (but only in some ways). But if we consider other factors, they are not so good. Such as, they will go barging into the garden if you are not looking.

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