Yes, goats can eat cilantro. Cilantro is a green leafy plant often used as an herb in dishes such as guacamole and salsa. There is some concern about whether the plant may cause health problems for goats or not, but it seems to be tolerated well by them and is even sometimes recommended as a part of their diet.
Feeding cilantro to your goat on a regular basis will help keep its coat soft and shiny, brushing off any dead hair that has accumulated during the day.
If you’re considering adding cilantro to your goat’s diet, be sure that it doesn’t have access to any other plants or grasses that could be toxic or cause digestive upset first- check with your local veterinarian before feeding cilantro to your goats.
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ToggleWhy is cilantro bad for goat’s milk?
Cilantro is sometimes blamed for causing off flavors in goat cheese and other dairy products, but there’s little evidence to support this claim.
The theory behind this is that the plant causes an iodine deficiency in goats which then results in thick, musky-tasting milk. However, the deficiency can be prevent ted by iodizing salt or feed mixes instead of cilantro itself.
Nutritional breakdown of cilantro:
● Protein: 3%
● Fat: 4%
● Fiber: 9%
● Calcium: 1%
● Phosphorus: 0.2%
Health benefits of cilantro include its ability to help lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels as well as its ability to fight cancer cells and bacterial infections. Cilantro also contains substantial amounts of vitamin A, vitamin K, and iron.
How much cilantro per day for a goat?
It’s recommended that you feed your cows around 1-2 cups of fresh cilantro per day.
Can all goats eat cilantro?
In general, most goats can eat cilantro without any problems. Some have been rumored to develop a taste for it and start looking for more if they don’t get their daily serving early enough!
Are there other plants that are related to cilantro?
Coriander is an herb which is part of the Apiaceous family and commonly used in cooking around the world including India, Mexico, Thailand, and China.
Seeds from this plant have a similar nutritional value to those found in Cilantro, however- so you could substitute one for the other in your goat’s diet.
Can my goat eat black walnuts?
In moderation, yes – but be aware that too many may digestive upset or even death.
Although black walnuts may be tasty to you, they are highly toxic for many animals including goats.
Poultry, horses, ruminants, and swine are commonly affected by this toxin- which can cause vomiting, diarrhea, weakness in the hind legs or back legs, drooling, fever, seizures, coma, respiratory problems or cardiac arrest.
Affected goats will usually show symptoms within 6 hours of ingestion. Death is often quick after that period of time has elapsed.
How can I feed my goats cilantro?
The recommended dosage for cilantro is 1-2 cups per day. Make sure that, if your goats are at pasture, they don’t have access to gopher poop which contains the toxin orellanine. This could cause them to get sick and die.
There is some concern about whether or not fresh cilantro can be fed to goat’s milk cheeses without causing flavor problems. If you plan on doing so, it’s recommended that you dry the leaves first.
Some people recommend introducing other types of greens in between servings of cilantro to help slow down their consumption of it- but this may not always work.
If your goat appears dehydrated or if any symptoms develop over time, a veterinarian immediately- as this might be indicative of something more serious.
Can I feed my goat parsley instead?
Yes – this is fine for most goats, but it doesn’t contain the same nutritional value as cilantro does.
Make sure that you’re not substituting one type of leafy green for another just to save money- because your goats may need more than one serving per day in order to derive all of their nutritional requirements.
How will I know if my goat has eaten too much cilantro?
Early symptoms may include vomiting, shakiness, drooling, diarrhea, weakness, difficulty walking or standing up, and an elevated heart rate. If these symptoms occur, contact your veterinarian immediately. It’s also recommended that you take a photo of the plant for further identification purposes.
Can I feed my goat Italian parsley?
In general, your goats can eat Italian parsley- but not as a replacement for cilantro.
Be aware that it doesn’t have the same nutritional value and may cause digestive problems if fed in excess.