If you have a pet goat, it may seem like an easy question to answer. But if you don’t, the answer might surprise you! In this blog post we will explore whether or not goats can eat kale and what makes them different from other animals that are able to munch on this leafy green vegetable.
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ToggleCan goats eat kale?
Yes. You can feed kale to your goats by adding a few pieces of it to their daily meal. But before you do so, make sure that you have contact with a veterinarian who will allow the practice. The reason being is because kale contains certain chemicals that could cause health problems in some individuals. In addition, kale also contains calcium oxalates which interfere with the body’s ability to absorb certain nutrients, such as iron and calcium.
Can goats eat kale stems?
Yes. Goats are usually more inclined to eat the stems of kale as opposed to its leaves, which is good for you because that means there will be less waste. This also allows you cut down on some costs because you won’t have to buy as much kale if it’s only eaten in this manner.
Can goats eat kale scraps?
Goats can eat whatever they want! Scraps of kale are fine but make sure the scraps are not too large or tough for your goat to handle. If you give them pieces that are too big, your goat might choke on them and become sick.
How do I feed my goats with kale?
If given a large piece of kale, goats tend to munch away at it from the tip towards the base of the leaf. You can feed your goats kale by placing it in their feeding area or pen, or you could use it as an afternoon treat outside on a nice day. Make sure to check with your vet before giving goats kale on a regular basis.
Can I give my goat raw kale?
Yes, you can give your goat raw kale but make sure that leaves are not huge and difficult for them to chew up. Monitor how much kale you are giving them on a daily basis because some pieces might be too big for them to eat which would lead to choking hazards. A rule of thumb is no larger than half an inch thick!
Can I feed my goat cooked kale?
No, goats cannot eat cooked kale. They are only able to eat raw kale. Cooked kale holds certain chemicals that are harmful to goats, so avoid feeding them this product for their health’s sake.
Can I feed my goat straight kale juice?
No, you should not give your goat straight kale juice because the high concentration of sugar causes blood-sugar spikes which can lead to hyperglycemia disorders in some individuals. If you do decide to give your goat a small amount of kale juice, be sure it is diluted with water or another liquid substance.
What if the leaves are wilted?
Goats can still eat wilted kale leaves but make sure they are not too browned because this could contain fungus and other materials that are harmful to goats.
Can my goat eat kale with supplements?
Yes, you can feed your goat kale along with other vegetables and fruits that contain supplements. However, make sure to avoid giving them too much of this product because the high concentration of sugars could cause serious health problems in some individuals.
How many times a day can I give my goat kale?
You should not give your goats more than one cup size portion in each feeding. Any more than that in one sitting might lead to an upset stomach or even diarrhea in some individuals. You should also keep in mind that goats like variety in their diets so any leafy green vegetable (i.e., parsley, cilantro) is fine to mix in with their regular meal routine!
Can goats eat kale leaves?
Yes, goats can eat kale leaves but not whole pieces! Goats should only be given pieces that are no larger than half an inch thick because smaller pieces are easier for them to digest.
Can goats eat kale and spinach?
Yes, you can feed your goats kale and spinach but make sure to give them half as much of the latter. This is because spinach has higher calcium oxalate levels than kale which is harmful to the goat’s health.
Goats like variety in their diets so any leafy green vegetable (i.e., parsley, cilantro) is fine to throw in with their regular meal routine! Keep it simple!