For those who are looking for something out of the ordinary or special, rare white chicken breeds can be a wonderful addition to your flock. Raising rare varieties is easier than you think! Before we get into specific types of rare breeds, let’s go over some tips on how to find them and what makes them unique. First off, make sure that whatever breed you want to raise is legal in your state before purchasing any chicks! Not every breed will be allowed where you live due to their potential aggressiveness or other factors. You might have heard people use the term “rare breed” when referring to certain colors, but not all color variations are considered true rare breeds. White, black, and blue are just a few of the rare colors that can be found in chickens, but they’re not actually rare breeds themselves.
You’ve always wanted to raise chickens on your farm, and now you’re trying to figure out which breeds would be best for the environment. Or maybe you’re just looking for a good egg-laying hen or pet chicken? This blog post will help! I’ll tell you about twenty white chicken breeds that are great for different purposes and environments.
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ToggleWhite Leghorn Chicken
White Leghorn chickens are a result of selective breeding by chicken farmers in the United States. White Leghorns have an average egg-laying rate but still, produce around 260 eggs per year on average.
White Orpington Chicken
White Orpingtons are one of the most common rare breeds to find in backyard flocks due to their calm demeanor and large size. They lay approximately 200 white eggs per year, which is much less than other breeds mentioned here! This breed has been known for its steady temperament over time, making it great for small children who may be afraid of birds or loud noises.
White Polish Chicken
White Polish chickens were one of the first domesticated chicken breeds to originate in Poland way back before the 1700s! The hens will not go broody very often and only produce an estimated 150 white eggs per year on average. Some people consider this breed somewhat flighty due to its tendency to roam, so it might not be best to let them free range.
White Ameraucana Chicken
White Ameraucanas can be found in Australia and Europe as well, although the White Americana has not been known to go broody very often. They produce about 300 blue or green eggs per year, which is a higher than average laying rate for rare breeds!https://www.youtube.com/embed/le3W2mpiEuE?feature=oembed
White Brahmas Chicken
White Brahmas were originally bred from large fowl chickens that originated in Southeast Asia centuries ago. These hens are one of the largest breeds out there, with an average weight of around 11 pounds when fully grown! The White Brahma lays approximately 200 white eggs per year on average but will occasionally go broody if they decide it’s time to hatch some chicks.
White Jersey Giant Chicken
This is another breed that was originally bred in the United States but can be found all over the world today! They have been known for their great egg-laying rate, putting out about 300 white eggs per year on average.
Rhode Island White Chicken Breed
If you are looking for a chicken breed that is easy to care for, the Rhode Island White might be exactly what you need. They are also very cold-hardy, which means they can survive in colder climates better than other breeds. This makes them excellent all-around birds! The hens tend to lay about 200 eggs per year and will go broody if allowed. Broodiness refers to the instinct of sitting on their own eggs until they hatch into chicks! If not given access to an actual egg, these chickens have been known to sit atop another’s egg until it hatches or even turns over rocks in search of one instead. However, this particular trait isn’t always desirable, so make sure your coop has enough space for all your chickens.
California White Chicken Breed
The White California White Chicken breed is very similar to the Rhode Island White. They are both hardy breeds that can survive in cold weather, but they do have one distinct difference: their combs. The White California White has a more traditional single comb, while the Rhode Island White chicken has an “owl”-like the double crest on top of its head! If you live somewhere with severe winters or lots of snow, this might be something worth looking into as it could help your flock stay warm enough during those months.
Yokohama Chicken Breed
Another cold-weather chicken breed, the White Yokohama Chicken, is a rare and beautiful bird. They tend to be on the more expensive side, but they are also very docile and can easily adapt to new surroundings. These birds lay around 200 eggs per year as well! White chickens, in general, do not make great meat birds, so if you’re looking for a dual-purpose flock (eggs and meat), this might not be one of your best options – unless, of course, you plan on eating them while they are still young.
Sultan Chicken
If you’re looking for a chicken that is not only rare and unique but also very colorful, look no further than the Sultan White Chicken breed. Their coloring tends to be on the more subtle side as they do not have any black or dark brown feathers, which makes them stand out among other chickens. These birds are great foragers (natural bug hunters) and tend to stay close together in their coop because of it! They make excellent mothers – so much so that if left alone with baby chicks too long, these hens will go broody just like the Rhode Island White we mentioned earlier!
White Jersey Giant Chicken Breed
The White Jersey Giant is a huge breed of chicken. They are not only taller but also wider than other breeds and need more space to roam around in. This bird can lay up to 300 eggs per year! Because they have such large bodies, it takes them longer to reach maturity, which means you will get fewer eggs for the first part of their life cycle compared to other chickens that start laying earlier on. Due to how calm yet curious these birds tend to be, they make great pets as well – especially if you like having big animals roaming your yard (or coop). Least, we have the White La Bresse Gauloise Chicken. This bird is a heritage breed that some poultry enthusiasts say may be related to chickens from ancient Rome! As you might imagine by their name, these birds are known for being excellent meat producers, and they do so at a very young age. While White chickens, in general, aren’t great layers of eggs during their first year on your farm, this particular variety can lay around 200 per year – which is still much less than other breeds but also a good deal more compared to White chickens in general.
La Bresse Gauloise Chicken
These chickens have a calm temperament and are great foragers. You can expect to eat about 200 eggs per year from this breed of chicken, which will lay through the winter months as well. They take quite a bit longer than other breeds to mature, but they grow at a slower pace, so you don’t have to worry about them being too big for your freezers if that’s your plan with these birds. The White Bresse is known as one of the best dual-purpose breeds because it tastes just as good as any other meat bird while still laying consistently throughout their long lives (about three years).
White Plymouth Rock Chicken
This chicken is a real all-purpose breed. White Plymouth Rocks were originally bred as meat birds, but they make excellent layers and can produce about 200 eggs per year. White Rock Chickens are also known to be very docile, which makes them great for families with children who want to interact with the animals on their farm or homestead (or any other time that people come near). They’re calm enough that you could probably even let kids ride on top of them without too much trouble!
White Faverolles Chicken
These birds are actually considered to be ornamental chickens mostly because of their beautiful feathers and colors, but White Faverolles can also lay about 180 white eggs each year. They have a calm temperament, so they’re great for being around small children or people in general. This breed is known as one of the best egg-laying breeds overall since it doesn’t take too much effort on your part to keep them happy and healthy throughout their five years of life (which means you get more bang for your buck when it comes to these birds).
White Frizzle Chicken
These chickens were originally bred as meat birds, and White Frizzle Chickens live about 45 weeks before they’re ready to be harvested. You can expect around 130 eggs per year from White Frizzle Chickens, which is great for anyone who wants their hens to produce consistently throughout the entire year (unlike some breeds that lay more during the warmer months than the older ones). They also happen to look pretty cute, though we prefer these birds with their feathers fluffed out, so you’ll have plenty of chicken friends if you decide to raise White Frizzle Chickens on your farm or homestead!
White Orpington Chicken
The White Orpington Chicken is a very popular breed of chicken because it has a calm temperament and can lay about 180 eggs each year. These chickens are actually great foragers, so you don’t have to worry too much about their diet (unless you let them free-range) or whether or not they like the food that you provide them with, which makes White Orpington Chickens perfect if your farm isn’t close to anything except other farms were raising animals this way wouldn’t be ideal. They live longer than some breeds but only produce around 100 chicks per year since these birds were bred as egg layers rather than meat birds like White Plymouth Rocks were.
White Wyandottes Chicken
If you want a chicken breed that lays around 200 large eggs per year, White Wyandottes Chickens are perfect for your farm. They have a calm temperament, and they’re great foragers, which means that White Wyandottes Chickens will be able to provide most of their own food without too much trouble from you! This is one of the best dual-purpose breeds simply because it tastes delicious while still being able to produce consistently throughout its five years of life (that’s about 300 eggs!).
White Australorp Chicken
The White Australorp Chicken is a large breed of chicken that was originally bred as a meat bird, but it also makes an excellent layer and can produce about 250 eggs per year. This unique-looking bird has black feathers with white spots, which means you don’t have to worry too much about its appearance if you decide to raise White Australorps on your farm or homestead (and they’re not noisy either). These birds are very hardy, so they do well in almost any climate since their thick plumage helps them stay warm during the winter months and cool during warmer weather.
White Araucana Chicken
This is one of the rarest breeds on our list, but White Araucanas are gaining more popularity thanks to their calm temperament and beautiful appearance. White Araucana Chickens produce around 200 eggs per year, so they’re an excellent choice for any chicken owner who wants a reliable egg layer that will provide plenty of food throughout its life (which can be up to eight years!). They also look unique because White Araucana Chickens have tufts over their ears, muffs, and wattles, which means you don’t even need earrings if you decide to raise White Araucanas on your farm or homestead!
White Cornish Chicken
White Cornish Chickens are one of the most popular meat birds in Australia, and White Cornish Chicken breeds live up to their reputation easily. These chickens produce around 200 large eggs per year that taste delicious when cooked inside or outside, which is why White Cornish Chickens were originally bred as a dual-purpose birds! White Plymouth Rocks aren’t noisy, making them great for any farm, even if you have neighbors nearby since they don’t mind sharing space with other animals either.
Bottom Line
White chickens are known to be great foragers and produce plenty of meat. They’re also a bit more expensive than other breeds, but they’re definitely worth it since you only need one White Plymouth Rock Chickens to provide food for your whole family! Please comment below if you have any White chicken breeds that we left out of this list or if you have anything else that would be helpful for other people who are looking to raise White chickens!