Top Aggressive Chicken Breeds With Aggressive Roosters That Will Drive You Nuts

It's a rare occurrence when you come across a rooster that is both aggressive and attractive. Chickens are usually docile creatures, but some breeds can be more difficult to handle than others.
Top Aggressive Chicken Breeds With Aggressive Roosters That Will Drive You Nuts

It’s a rare occurrence when you come across a rooster that is both aggressive and attractive. Chickens are usually docile creatures, but some breeds can be more difficult to handle than others.

A question that many chicken owners are faced with is whether to keep the rooster or not. Many people choose to keep them because of their aggressive nature. In this article, I will go over many breeds of aggressive chickens and their roosters which may help in deciding whether it is worth keeping them around or not.

Aggressive Chicken Breeds With Aggressive Roosters

Barred Plymouth Rocks

The Barred Plymouth Rock rooster has a bad temper and is very protective of his hens. He would rather fight than eat or drink if you corner him. The roosters will try to attack humans, and some have been known to be able to draw blood with their spurs. Due to their aggressive nature, many people choose not to keep them, and they do poorly around other animals such as dogs and cats. Their aggressiveness can also drive them into attacking each other, so if two birds are kept together, you need to make sure that there is enough space for the birds in order for them not to get killed by each other. If it is necessary to keep one rooster with more than six hens, it is highly advised that you separate them into different coops.

Plymouth Rock hens are also aggressive towards humans and other animals alike, so it is necessary to be careful when handling these birds. They can become very attached to their human caretakers, but this is rare, and most of the time, the hens will try to attack any person who comes near her or her chicks.

People who keep barred rock chickens often keep them for their appearance rather than how docile they are. Their feathers have a unique design which makes them desirable for breeders of show chickens. It is hard to find one at your local farm supply store because most people don’t like working with aggressive breeds; if they do them, it’s only in small numbers. This is why most people who own them tend to be breeders.

However, if you don’t like aggressive breeds and want a pretty chicken for your backyard, the barred rock may not be right for you.

The Plymouth Rocks make beautiful show birds, but they can also make great egg layers; Barred rocks lay eggs rather consistently, and the eggs are large and healthy-looking. If it weren’t for their temperament, they would most likely be one of the most popular breeds in America (and maybe they still will).


Another aggressive rooster that loves fighting with other roosters is the Wyandotte rooster. This breed has an intense dislike for all living creatures, including humans, so some owners suggest that if you have to handle them, it is best to wear gloves. They aren’t kept as much for their egg-laying abilities because they are inconsistent layers, although they can be very productive in the right conditions.

Wyandotte hens are also aggressive, and it’s best to keep just one hen with her chicks instead of putting more than one in a coop because of this reason. Because they have a tendency to peck at each other, some breeders clip the tip-off of the beak so that they don’t hurt each other while playing around. The roosters, on the other hand, do not get along well with each other, so if you want to own more than one rooster, then it is important that there are enough hens to go around.

If you are looking for an attractive chicken, then the Wyandotte is not for you. Compared to barred rock chickens, they are much more plain and simple with black coloring instead of bar markings or unique colors like other breeds. They are very peaceful towards humans, though, which is why some people will keep them as pets in their back yards because they can be handled without any fuss.


The Lakenvelder breed has a reputation for being the most nervous of the three breeds mentioned in this article, but their nervousness can work well if you don’t have much space for your chickens. These birds are very active, so it may take several hours to collect all of them when it is time to lock them up in the coop for the night. If you close the door too early, they can all run outside when you open it because of their nervousness.

If you don’t live with other animals that are aggressive towards chickens, then this might be a good breed choice for your farm or backyard since they are very docile creatures overall, but if they are around another animal that is not friendly towards them, then they will get scared and flee from whatever is harassing them rather than fighting back.

Many people choose to keep these chickens because of their beauty and how rare they are, and while they can still lay eggs, it is sometimes hard to tell if the eggs belong to a Lakenvelder chicken or just any brown egg laying chicken. However, they certainly do get excited about these eggs because of how proud they look when they bring them to their owners.

Old English Game Roosters

Old English Game roosters are not scared of anything or anyone, including humans, dogs, and other aggressive animals. However, they tend to overcompensate for their overconfident natures by attacking everyone who comes near them.

If you want to own this breed, then it is important that you know how to handle them because if left on their own, then the bullying will be continuous and relentless on whatever poor creature ends up in their territory.

Because they can be so dangerous to have around chickens or even children, most Old English Game roosters are being kept as pets rather than used for breeding purposes. They are fairly pretty looking birds, though with blue coloring instead of red like other game breeds, so some people keep them around strictly for looks.

If you are looking for an aggressive breed, then the Old English Game is not for you. They are extremely dangerous to handle unless someone has taught them how to be calm around people and other animals, which means that they aren’t really meant to be pets or used as show birds.

These breeds of chickens come from England, so they prefer dry climates such as deserts rather than places with a lot of water, but since some live in New Zealand, it can work well if you have enough open space for them to roam around in under the hot sun during those days. Even though they may seem like common chicken breeds at first glance, their personalities and habitats mean that they should only be kept by experienced owners who know what they’re getting into when they bring them home.

Cornish Chickens – Indian Game

The Indian Game breed is a cross between a Cornish chicken and a Sebright chicken which means that they love to run around in open spaces as well as fight with any other animal or person they see. However, if you have them around chickens or children, then they will adjust rather quickly to their new surroundings even though it may take some time for them to warm up to those living nearby.

Even though they are very active both during the day and night, Indian Game chickens can’t fly too high, which means that they aren’t as dangerous as other birds might be if you have them around your family. These breeds of chicken come from India, so they prefer much hotter climates than what most people in the U.S. experience, but since we have no breeds here in the country which are suitable for cold weather, this is a solid choice when it comes to chickens that can stay outside all year long even in snowstorms or other harsh conditions.

If you want a rooster that will fight with everything and everyone, then Indian Game roosters are not for you unless you just want an aggressive breed because they tend to only attack when there is food involved, such as worms and bugs.

Asil or Aseel Chickens

Aseel or Asil roosters are a lot like Indian Game roosters in the sense that they love to fight with other animals and people, so if you want them around your children or chickens, then you need to closely monitor their behavior when they are out of the coop.

They will attack anything which causes noise, including human voices and dogs barking in the distance, even though it may only be something small like flashlights which is annoying for anyone living in an area where there isn’t much light at night since you can’t play outside with these game birds without worrying about them attacking everyone who walks by.

However, they do seem to calm down after some time living in new places, unlike Old English Game chickens which continue their bullying behavior no matter where they live.

Aseel breeds of chickens or Asil roosters are from India and Pakistan, so they prefer much hotter climates than most families keep their birds in, but if you live in a hot climate, then they can do well as long as you have a coop with enough space for them to rest during the day when it’s too hot for them to lay eggs or eat bugs.

If you want an aggressive chicken breed that will attack everything that moves out of instinct, then Aseel is not for you unless you plan on getting rid of them before they cause any harm to your family or animals nearby since this breed is meant to be used by experienced chicken owners who know what they’re getting into.

When you want an aggressive rooster that will fight with everything it sees, then Aseel or Asil chickens are a good choice if you have enough space in your coop for them to rest during the day when it’s too hot for them outside, whether in a barn or in a large chicken coop.

Modern Game Chickens

If you want a rooster to fight with other chickens and humans, then you should bring home Modern Game chickens because they do well as long as there is food involved, which means that they will attack to get their way if anyone or anything blocks them from getting the treats they really want. However, this might be risky if you have children around since these aggressive breeds of chicken can injure those who aren’t careful when handling them.

Modern Game chickens don’t fly too high, so it’s not dangerous for your children to play outside with them, but it may take some time for them to adjust to new surroundings, just like any other breed of chicken that isn’t used to being around people often.

They prefer warmer climates since these birds are from England, and each breed was bred in a specific area to be able to withstand the coldest winters with barely any issues, which makes them a better choice for someone who wants chickens that can survive most climates without any problems.

If you want an aggressive chicken breed with extremely strong legs and wings, then Modern Game roosters are a great option when it comes to chickens that will fight with anything they see regardless of how big they are.

However, this is not a good choice if you have small children or smaller animals since these birds may injure them even though they will only attack when there is food involved. If you have other backyard chickens already, then bringing them home, a Modern Game rooster might not work well for your flock due to their tendency to pick fights with anything that moves.

Central Asian Ovcharka

If you’re looking for an aggressive chicken breed that has the strength to attack much larger animals, then Central Asian Ovcharka is an excellent choice since this breed is known for being used by shepherds in Russia, Iran, and Afghanistan as guard dogs to safeguard their flocks from wolves and other predators although there are less aggressive female variants available if you prefer this type of chicken.

Another reason why many people love having Central Asian Ovcharkas around is that they can take care of themselves even though they will also follow their owners everywhere they go, just like any other purebred guard dog would do.

This breed isn’t meant for everyone since it requires a lot of attention and effort. This isn’t a dog that will just sit around and wait for its owner to return home after work.

If you want an aggressive chicken breed that doesn’t require much attention but is also capable of guarding your flock against predators like wolves and coyotes, then Central Asian Ovcharka roosters are worth checking out since they only attack when protecting their territory or defending themselves against other animals who might try to harm them or the ones they care about including any small children and smaller pets which aren’t on their good side.

American Game Chickens – Roundheads

If you want an aggressive chicken that is known for its strong legs and wings without the need to fight with other chickens, then American Game Chickens are a good option.

American Game roosters are known for being great at sports since they are capable of jumping extremely high while maintaining their speed while running, whether in enclosed areas or outside in open spaces.

Another reason why many people prefer American Game over other breeds is that they don’t peck at their owners, which makes them a great choice if you have children around who might get accidentally injured by other breeds of chicken that need to be handled very carefully or else they will attack relentlessly until whatever or whoever provoked them gets away as fast as possible.

These birds aren’t suited for everyone due to the fact that they are not the friendliest breeds when it comes to being handled by people, which is why many owners prefer to keep them in separate coops or use them as breeders instead of using them for their meat since they will become extremely aggressive if handled incorrectly.

If you’re looking for an aggressive chicken breed that can take on much bigger animals, then American Game roosters are a great choice, especially since these birds don’t need much attention if you have other breeds which require more care.

Turken/Sultan Chickens

If you’re looking for an aggressive chicken that doesn’t require much attention, then Turken or Sultan chickens are one of the best choices available since this breed will rarely come to you unless it’s time to eat or if something is wrong which makes them great pets for individuals who work long hours and don’t have time to take care of their pets.

Turkens are also known for being extremely smart due to the fact that they can be easily trained to do simple tasks like scratching the ground for food which makes them a great choice if you want an ultra-aggressive chicken that isn’t resistant when handled by people.

However, Turkens should never be trusted around other animals, especially since these birds will attack nearly anything that enters their coop, which means if you have other chickens in the same enclosure, then they will quickly become a meal for these aggressive roosters.

If you want an ultra-aggressive chicken breed that doesn’t need much attention and can take on other animals without any problems, then Turkens are worth checking out, although it is advised to get another breed of chicken to live with them since this rooster might attack anything that gets too close such as your children or smaller dogs.

Oriental Game Chickens – Oriental Fowls – Jungle Fowls

If you want an aggressive chicken that can protect itself while also being capable of defending your flock, then Oriental Game Chickens are worth checking out since this breed is known for its fast speed, aggressiveness, and unique fighting style, which makes them extremely dangerous if they are provoked.

These chickens are very territorial when it comes to their coop or any other places where they might hide if threatened by predators such as wolves or coyotes, which means you must make sure there aren’t any entrances in the area since these birds will attack if they feel endangered even if the threat isn’t directed at them.

Another reason why people prefer Oriental Game Chickens over other breeds is that these birds don’t require much attention from their owners, although it’s recommended to provide them with plenty of water and food as well as a coop where they can go to take a break from all the fighting if necessary.

Oriental Game Chicken roosters are not a good choice for beginners or inexperienced individuals who have trouble controlling their chickens due to their aggressive nature, which makes them nearly untrainable, especially when it comes to being handled by people since these birds will attack people’s feet even if you’re simply standing near them instead of trying to grab them.

If you want an aggressive chicken breed that is capable of defending itself from both predators and other animals, then Oriental Game Chickens might be right for your farm but make sure there aren’t any openings nearby since these birds will peck anything that moves nearby until it dies.

Turkoman Game Chickens – Indian Game Fowls

Although they aren’t as popular as other breeds, Turkoman Game Chickens are still worth mentioning due to their exotic nature and unique appearance, which makes them an interesting addition to any farm that already has chickens.

Turkomans are known for being extremely aggressive birds that can beat nearly any other chicken breed in combat, although it’s important to mention that these animals will attack anything without giving second thoughts, which means you’ll have trouble finding a place where they won’t be able to reach you if the breed is not handled correctly.

This aggression, combined with their small size, also makes them great for people who don’t have time or experience when it comes to training their pets since Turkoman Game Chickens don’t require much attention from their owners.

Although these birds are extremely aggressive by nature, it doesn’t mean they can’t be handled, but you must make sure that your children or any other person in the area understands how to treat them without agitating them since Turkoman Game Chickens will attack anything that tries to approach them which means even a simple pat on the back will lead to a full-blown fight.

Turkoman Game Chicken roosters might not be right for beginners since this breed is known for its aggressiveness and temperament, which makes it almost impossible for people who lack experience with chickens to properly control them, although if you want an interesting bird, then consider getting one of the animals.

Spanish Fighting Chickens – Spanish Chickens

Spanish Fighting Chickens are known for their combative nature and self-defense capabilities which means you must provide them with a coop that is tall enough to avoid the roosters from reaching its roof, which can lead to injuries and even death in some cases.

Another reason why these chickens require tall homes is because of their aggressiveness when it comes to protecting themselves and your farm against predators such as wolves or coyotes, although the breed isn’t very popular among farmers since there aren’t many people who like owning aggressive roosters that will attack anything on sight including pets, children or people visiting your property.

If you want a chicken that can defend itself while also being capable of fending for its own, then Spanish Fighting Chickens could be a good choice for you, although make sure to only buy the mature hens since they’re much less aggressive than roosters.

Since these chickens are capable of defending themselves, it’s important to make sure that there aren’t any openings near the coop where predators can attack your domestic fowls, which could lead to injuries, if not death, in some cases.

Spanish Fighting Chickens might not be right for beginners who don’t have time or proper experience when it comes to training their pets since these animals require specific care and feeding conditions, which must be followed at all times in order for them to remain healthy and alive.

The best way to care for this breed is by providing them with enough space inside of their coop and a healthy diet which should be composed of at least 16% protein so these chickens can maintain their strength and health.

Although Spanish Fighting Chickens are not the best choice for people who have no experience with keeping chickens, if you follow all of the instructions in this article, then it should be possible to properly handle these animals without any issues.

Barnvelder Chicken – Black-Breasted Red Game Fowl

Barnvelder Chickens are known for being tough birds that can survive in almost any environment, including cold climates where other domestic fowls would freeze to death. Even though these chickens look like they’re on the brink of dying, Barnvelders will keep on pecking anything in sight, making these animals perfect for self-defense.

Barnvelder Chickens are also the perfect choice for people who don’t have time or enough experience when it comes to training their chickens since these birds are aggressive by nature, and they’ll attack anything that tries to approach them.

Roosters might not be right for beginners since Barnvelder Chickens are known for their aggressiveness which makes them almost impossible to handle if you lack experience with pet chickens.

One of the best ways to care for this breed is by providing your barn with a coop that is tall enough so the rooster can’t reach its ceiling, which could lead to injuries or even death in some cases.

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